Tremolo & Modulation pedal This project started as a digitized model of the Fender Showman’s “harmonic vibrato” just for fun, experimenting with more LFOs and more tremolo styles. Catalinbread really like the sound of tremolo splashing against a reverb like Magnatones or Vibro Champs, as with their Topanga Burnside, but went even further adding some trem-specific reverb algorithms and a subtle tone control.
Tremolo8Tremolo & Modulation pedalThis project started as a digitized model of the FenderShowman’s “harmonic vibrato” just for fun, experimentingwith more LFOs and more tremolo styles. Catalinbreadreally like the sound of tremolo splashing against a reverblike Magnatones or Vibro Champs, as with their TopangaBurnside, but went even further adding some trem-specificreverb algorithms and a subtle tone control.Then Catalinbread discovered that not all LFOs are equal and decided to take advantage of theirspecificities. In a completely different program, trem modulation with chorus floating on top soundedtoo good to leave out. Also, when working on the Many Worlds, Catalinbread had fun with the envelope-controlled phase angle and decided to craft an envelope-controlled trem rate with adjustable sensitivityand attack/decay, leading to head-spinning effects when letting chords ring out or when cranking sometouch-sensitive solos.The Tremolo8 runs from 9V up to 18V for a bit more output, a dry signal boost and increased headroom
Rate, Tone, Space, Mix, Program 1-6; LED: Effect On; Footswitches: Effect Bypass; Connections: Input (1/4" Jack), Output (1/4" Jack); Power Supply connector: Barrel Connector 5.5 x 2.1 mm
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