Used gear form

There are three options for selling your gear:

  1. FAST SALE - means we buy your guitar now with below market price. This is good if you are in a hurry and need the gear sold immediately. We will send you an offer once you have filled out the form below IF we are interested in that particular item! Most likely you need to bring the instrument in for a 1 day inspection to our store before we make a final offer.   
  2. CONSIGNMENT - means the guitar will be put up on sale in our shop and web channels. You will receive the money for your gear once it sells. Sometimes it takes a week or two, other times many months. Our consignment fee is 12%. This option is good if you are not in a hurry and want to receive a fair market price for your gear. 
  3. TRADE-trade your guitar or pedal for something new we have in the shop. 

Please write the product name, SKU or just link to our webstore for that product.

Information about your gear:

Mark the year only when certain

Please describe the instrument’s overall condition and list any modifications compared to the original.

Select all that apply

.jpg format only. Below 1MB file size!


Pricing too high will unfortunately make it unviable for us to buy or help you sell. Please be reasonable and consider that we need to invest time to market and resell the guitar and make a reasonable margin after vat taxes, fees and all shipping costs.

Your Contact Information: