Poes saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Fairfield Circuitry Randys Revenge Fairfield Circuitry FCRAND 369,00 € Ring modulation at its finest, in a considerably small package, powered by your typical 9V power supply, all analogue, hand stamped, pure sine wave oscillator, low-pass filtered with a touch of class and apparently musical. These are the requirements of warp speed space Travel. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Electro-Faustus EF105 Drum Thing Electro-Faustus EF105 109,00 € The EF105 Drum Thing is a percussive Noise Device. Or maybe it’s an Electronic Drum. Or maybe a weird microphone. Either way, piezoelectric madness will ensue. No batteries required. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes Saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Electro-Faustus EF209 Drone King Electro-Faustus EF209 299,00 € Drone box with two banks of oscillators Six audio oscillators with frequency control and mute switches Two LFOs with rate and depth control Filter with frequency and resonance controls Thru input for bringing external signals in Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid GFI System Duophony GFI System DUOPHONY 349,00 € True stereo on all (inputs, outputs, & FX loops) signal paths. Parallel or Series routing modes. 3 parallel blend modes : XY mix, Y plus [X], and X plus [Y]. 16 Presets. Fully adjustable dry signal level. Phase invert function on loop X. Individual gain control for each loop. Bypass function with or without trails. Expression pedal and Aux switches... Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Electro Harmonix Superego Electro Harmonix SEGO 249,00 € Polyphonic Synth Engine, reinvents sample and hold, performs fluid glissandos and creates oscillator like, synthesizer effects. It can stack sounds or create infinite sustain, it even lets you tweak attack and decay, or use its effects loop to invent novel synth patches. PSU included. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Electro-Faustus EF102 Photo Theremin Electro-Faustus EF102 159,00 € The Electro-Faustus EF102 Photo Theremin captures the magic of the original Theremin, while putting it into a modern form. The EF102 uses a light sensitive photocell to control pitch. Add a little reverb or delay, and amaze your friends with its otherworldly sounds. Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Octaver & Pitch Electro Harmonix Bass9 Bass Machine Electro Harmonix BASS9 239,00 € Polüfooniline BASS9 Bass Machine muudab kitarri 9-ks erinevaks bassiks ning ei vaja spetsiaalseid helipäid, MIDI ega muid instrumendi modifikatsioone. Ta põhineb samale tehnoloogiale mis toidab kõiki EHX 9 seeria pedaale, kuid omab uut algoritmi mis annab erakordse dünaamika ja noodi jälgimise isegi kui 2 oktaavi alla transposeerida. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Electro Harmonix MEL9 Electro Harmonix MEL9 255,00 € 9 Mellotron tooniga heli: Orkester, Tšello, Keelpillid, Flööt, Klarnet, Saksofon, Puhkpillid, Madal koor ja kõrge koor. Töötab kitarridel ilma lisamodifikatsioonideta. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Electro-Faustus EF110 Blackfly Electro-Faustus EF110 199,00 € The Blackfly is a spring activated instrument that delivers a wide spectrum of sonic textures. A secret weapon for serious noise makers, soundscape architects and spacious jam explorers alike! Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Delay RaingerFX Drone Rainger Delay Rainger FX RX-DR 359,00 € This is the most atmospheric, cinematic pedal that Rainger does… Dub-flavoured digital delay (based on our Echo-X delay pedal), that also produces low, throbbing drones that can also be mixed through the delay circuit. If you play shoegaze, doom/heavy/psychedelic rock, or ambient music it’s a fantastic tool for making a powerful base note to play over.... Lisa ostukorvi
Poes Saadaval Fuzz Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi Hardware Plugin Electro Harmonix BMHWPI 299,00 € Analoognse riistvara maagilist soojust armastatakse selle heli ja tunde pärast. Just seetõttu loodi see toode. Maailma armastatuim distortion/sustainer muudetud pluginaks. See toimib nagu tavaline DAW plugin, kuid salvestatud rajad läbivad EHX Big Muff Pi analoogelektroonikat, lisades teie sessioonile analoog soojust. Loomulikult ühildub see enimkasutatud... Lisa ostukorvi