


    Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid

    Erinevad kitarriefektid

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    Kuvatud 1 - 24 kokku 46 tootest
    • 109,00 € Poes saadaval

      Käes-hoitav elektrooniline poogen kitarri jaoks. Väike patareidel töötav toode asendab medikat ja imiteerib keelpillide ja puhkpillide sounde lõputu sustainiga.   Uusim mudel kiirema ja ühtlase tunnetusega! 

      109,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 149,00 € Poes saadaval

      Bass subharmonic synthesizer and low-end enhancer, based on the iconic DOD Meatbox circuit design with updated components, TRS Output, True bypass, 9V DC power supply jack, Crisp blue status LED, Lighter aluminum chassis.

      149,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 109,00 € Poes saadaval

      The EF105 Drum Thing is a percussive Noise Device. Or maybe it’s an Electronic Drum. Or maybe a weird microphone. Either way, piezoelectric madness will ensue. No batteries required.

      109,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 179,00 € Poes saadaval

      Electro-Harmonix Mainframe Bit Crusher viib meid tagasi aega, kus videomänge mängiti suurtes arkaadides ja kõik helid meenutasid vaevu neid asju mille järgi nad kõlama pidid. Mainframe võib võtta kristallselge signaali ning moonutada ta täiesti tundmatuseni.

      179,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 149,00 € Poes saadaval

      DISSONANT FREQUENCY SMASHER Uses a 9VDC Center Negative Boss-Style power supply (not included)

      149,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 255,00 € Poes saadaval

      9 Mellotron tooniga heli: Orkester, Tšello, Keelpillid, Flööt, Klarnet, Saksofon, Puhkpillid, Madal koor ja kõrge koor. Töötab kitarridel ilma lisamodifikatsioonideta.

      255,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 249,00 € Poes saadaval

      Transforms the tone of your guitar or keyboard. 9 presets that were carefully crafted to emulate classic Wurlitzer and Rhodes sounds, plus more. Presets provide control of the fundamental parameters that help define that instruments sound. Many presets include adjustable modulation such as tremolo, phaser and chorus. Use it with the B9 and C9 Organ...

      249,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 369,00 € Poes saadaval

      Ring modulation at its finest, in a considerably small package, powered by your typical 9V power supply, all analogue, hand stamped, pure sine wave oscillator, low-pass filtered with a touch of class and apparently musical. These are the requirements of warp speed space Travel.

      369,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 225,00 € Poes saadaval

      Inspired by the ancient Bull Roarer dating back to the Paleolithic Era. Whipping the 9 foot hose apparatus over one's heads generates a haunting tone that can be heard over great spiritual distances. This freak whistle will immediately attract the coolest/weirdest people to you in minutes. Requires 3 AAA batteries (included)

      225,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 159,00 € Poes saadaval

      The DigiTech FreqOut Natural Feedback Creator allows you to get sweet, natural feedback at any volume, with or without distortion. The FreqOut is perfect for situations where volume must be controlled like in the studio, with in ear monitors, or low-volume performance and practice. However, the FreqOut can also be used at gig volume to focus...

      159,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 299,00 € Poes saadaval

      The Data Corrupter is a “wild, yet repeatable” three-voice Modulated Monophonic PLL Harmonizer that takes your input signal and “brutally amplifies it into a crushing square wave fuzz tone that is then multiplied, divided, and modulated” to create a harmonically complex, expressive, and touch-responsive analog synth tone up to three octaves below (or...

      299,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 263,00 € Poes saadaval

      Building on the synthesis platform of the award-winning Superego, our new Superego+ raises the bar when it comes to creating synth effects, sound layers, glissandos, infinite sustain and more. Plus, we’ve added a complete effects section featuring 11 effects types, an EXP input for effect parameter control and an EXT jack for a 3-button controller.

      263,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 349,00 € Poes saadaval

      A Maniacal Little Machine, inspired by vintage gaming consoles. An era when silicon defined sonics that were burned in our memory for years… Ottobit Jr. brings those sounds directly to your pedalboard.

      349,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 385,00 € Poes saadaval

      Gamechanger PLUS pedaal on täiesti omanäoline protsessor mis pakub klaverilaadset noodi pikendust ja sostenutot kitarridele ja teistele instrumentidele.

      385,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 545,00 € Poes saadaval

      The ZOIA is basically a modular synthesizer in pedal form. Instead of being a delay effect or tremolo, the ZOIA provides the modules necessary to build a delay or tremolo from the ground up. But since you're the one building it, you can make it do whatever you want. With the ZOIA you can build your own custom effects, synthesizers, midi controllers, and...

      545,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 239,00 € Poes saadaval

      Polüfooniline BASS9 Bass Machine muudab kitarri 9-ks erinevaks bassiks ning ei vaja spetsiaalseid helipäid, MIDI ega muid instrumendi modifikatsioone. Ta põhineb samale tehnoloogiale mis toidab kõiki EHX 9 seeria pedaale, kuid omab uut algoritmi mis annab erakordse dünaamika ja noodi jälgimise isegi kui 2 oktaavi alla transposeerida.

      239,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 365,00 € Poes Saadaval

      DCO with analog wave shaping Transistor ladder low pass filter Envelope and LFO modulation MIDI and analog input and output Available in black, white or red

      365,00 €
      Poes Saadaval
    • 185,00 € Poes saadaval

      An overdrive pedal in its most basic form, the Minibar allows you to pour any concoction of your choice into its integrated container - with the properties of the liquid you've added determining the sound of the pedal! Affecting the type of distortion and the shape of the EQ, the Minibar's tone can be tweaked in some of the most unconventional ways you...

      185,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 359,00 € Poes saadaval

      This is the most atmospheric, cinematic pedal that Rainger does… Dub-flavoured digital delay (based on our Echo-X delay pedal), that also produces low, throbbing drones that can also be mixed through the delay circuit. If you play shoegaze, doom/heavy/psychedelic rock, or ambient music it’s a fantastic tool for making a powerful base note to play over....

      359,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 299,00 € Poes Saadaval

      Analoognse riistvara maagilist soojust armastatakse selle heli ja tunde pärast. Just seetõttu loodi see toode. Maailma armastatuim distortion/sustainer muudetud pluginaks. See toimib nagu tavaline DAW plugin, kuid salvestatud rajad läbivad EHX Big Muff Pi analoogelektroonikat, lisades teie sessioonile analoog soojust. Loomulikult ühildub see enimkasutatud...

      299,00 €
      Poes Saadaval
    • 169,00 € Poes saadaval

      9 Mellotron tooniga heli: Orkester, Tšello, Keelpillid, Flööt, Klarnet, Saksofon, Puhkpillid, Madal koor ja kõrge koor. Töötab kitarridel ilma lisamodifikatsioonideta. Some signs of use, fully functional. No box or power supply included. Velcro underneath. 

      169,00 €
      Poes saadaval
    • 79,00 € Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat

      Analogizer thaws out digitally processed guitar, and gives you that analog sound and feel. Boost your solos with up to 26dB of gain. Fatten your sound. The Analogizer is perfect for warming up the harshness of your digitally processed guitar or for thickening up your already warm sound.

      79,00 €
      Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat
    • 149,00 € Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat

      Analog Expression/CV Sequencer, Four sequence direction modes: Forward, Reverse, Bounce and Random. Rotary encoder gives you control over glide rate, direction, sequencer length and depth. Save, store and recall 10 presets. The optional 8 Step Program Foot Controller expands that to 100 presets! 9Volt power supply included

      149,00 €
      Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat
    • 259,00 € Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat

      Transform your electric guitar into a sitar. Lead sitar voice tracks your notes polyphonically with a wide range of tonal possibilities. Selectable decay speed for the Lead voice. Sympathetic string drone simulation with a wide tonal range. Selectable keys and scales including major, minor and exotic provided for the Sympathetic strings. Separate Main...

      259,00 €
      Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat
    Kuvatud 1 - 24 kokku 46 tootest