- True Bypass
- Suurem üldpind jalale mugavama kasutajakogemuse jaoks
- LED tuled näitavad reaalajas pedaali positsiooni
- 4 funktsiooni ühes pedaalis (volume, expression, wah, volume/wah)
- Inspireeritud legendaarse vokaalile sarnase wah kõla järgi
- Q ja TONE kontrollnupud paindlikuma wah tooni jaoks
- Aktiivne disain
- Eraldiseisvad häälestaja ja expression väljundid suurema ühilduvuse jaoks
- 9V DC või 9V patareitoide
Soul Press II is a nex-gen product in the Hotone Press series pedal line. It's new-designed upgrade based on the popular concepts of both the Soul Press and Vow Press. It integrates up to four function modes (volume, wah, volume/wah, expression), taking playability to new heights. The pedal position indicator shows the pedal position in real time. The TONE mode selection and Q value adjustment represent an absolute improvement in tone and functionality. Multiple I/O options provide more diverse access. The reimagined pedal size maintains portability while delivering an optimal ergonomic experience. Soul Press II is a truly versatile wah pedal. Stay tuned to our social media outlets and website for future in-depth videos and details about Soul Press II
Specifications Input Impedance: 1MΩ Output Impedance: 100Ω Wah Range Selector: WARM—290Hz to 1.4kHz CLASSIC—360Hz to 1.8kHz Current Consumption: Max 30mA Dimensions: 81mm (W) x 162mm (D) x 51mm (H) Weight: 500g
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