Poes saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal Gamechanger Audio 180905332221007 385,00 € Gamechanger PLUS pedaal on täiesti omanäoline protsessor mis pakub klaverilaadset noodi pikendust ja sostenutot kitarridele ja teistele instrumentidele. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Reverb Strymon Bluesky Strymon BLUESKY 329,00 € Naudi vapustavat reverb efekti Strymon blueSky pedaaliga. See pedaal kasutab igat kui viimast tilka protsessori jõudlusest, et toota üheksa erinevat majesteetilist reverb-i kogemust. 3 erinevat tüüpi reverb-i koos kolme erineva režhiimiga. BlueSky suudab toota isegi mitmekülgset plate reverb efekti, mida tavaliselt pedaalidel tihti ei leidu. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Voolualaldid Strymon 9V Voolualaldi Strymon EUPOWER 28,00 € Voolualaldi, sobib kõikidele Strymon pedaalidele, 9v DC, 660 milliamprit Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Patch-kaablid RockBoard Sapphire Flat Patch Cable 20 cm Rockboard RBO CAB PC F 20 SP 8,30 € A flat patch cable even better than Rockboards popular GOLD series. Audiophile components make the little differences to those searching for perfect tone. The SAPPHIRE Series cables are even better shielded, have gold-plated contacts and with their unique look offer a breath of fresh air on your pedalboard. Of course, all the features of the popular... Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Pedalboardi tarvikud Cioks Mini Grip Bracket for Cioks4 Cioks GRIPM 16,00 € Cioks Mini-Grip klamber Cioks 4 voolualaldi kinnitamiseks Pedaltrain pedalboard-ide külge. Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Kitarrikaablid Providence E205 Guitar Cable S/L 3m Providence PVE205-3L 47,00 € Guitarist extraordinaire Michael Landau loves this cable! The plugs have been changed to MID types at his request, and the revised model features a fresh new package for easy identification. 3 meters, with straight plug and (91 degree) andled L plug. Made in Japan. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Slaidid Dunlop 212 Glass Slide Dunlop 212 13,90 € This glass slide provides a warm, thick tone that accentuates the middle harmonics of your sound, featuring heavy wall thickness and a small diameter. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Patch-kaablid RockBoard Sapphire Flat Patch Cable 5 cm Rockboard RBO CAB PC F 5 SP 7,60 € Lapik ühenduskaabel mis on veelgi parem kui RockBoard-i populaarne GOLD seeria. Sapphire seeria kaablid on veelgi paremini varjestatud, omavad kullatud kontakte ja teevad iga pedalboard-i palju kaunimaks. Kõik tavapärased RockBoard kaabli omadused on säilinud, kuid helikvaliteeti on oluliselt parandatud nii, et heli oleks võimalikult moonutusvaba. Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat Tarbepedaalid / lülitid Earthquaker Devices Passive ABY Box Earthquaker Devices EQDABYBV1EU 99,00 € The EarthQuaker Devices Passive ABY box is the perfect solution if you can't decide when and where you would like your signal to go. Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 1-3 nädalat Tarbepedaalid / lülitid KMA Machines ABY Stereo KMA Audio Machines KMA-ABYST 130,00 € Main Features: Passive Stereo ABY pedal, with active switching Sends a stereo input to two separate stereo outputs, separately or combined Sends two stereo inputs to one stereo source, separately or combined True Bypass Active silent relay-based soft switching, heavily reduces mechanical noise and pops Omnidirectional for 2 into 1 or 1 into 2... Lisa ostukorvi
Poes Saadaval Tarbepedaalid / lülitid Hotone Ampero Control Hotone AMPEROCONTROL 119,00 € Ampero Control on kompaktne, robustne ja täielikult programmeeritav Bluetooth MIDI kontroller, mis annab muusikutele täieliku kontrolli läbi MIDI, USB pesa ja Bluetooth kaudu. 4 jalalülitit, millest igaüks võimaldab saata kuni 16 erinevat MIDI käsklust. Ampero Control toetab expression pedaale ning lisa jalalüliteid. Kõigele sellele lisaks, on võimalik... Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat Tarbepedaalid / lülitid Earthquaker Devices A/B Box Earthquaker Devices EQDABOXV1EU 89,00 € The EarthQuaker Devices A/B Box is a simple tiny tool that lets you choose between two of pretty much anything. Because of its completely passive design, there is no circuitry between the input and outputs which means it can be use in both directions. Use it to switch between two amps! Switch between two channels on a multi-channel amp! Use it as tuner... Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Tarbepedaalid / lülitid GFI System Triple Switch GFI System GFITRIPLESWITCH 79,00 € Triple Switch on kolme momentaarse ja tavalise lülitiga seade mis lubab kasutajal kasutada kõikide pedaalide täielikku potentsiaali millel on välise jalalüliti funktsionaalsus. Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Volüüm JHS Mute Switch JHS Pedals JHS MUTE SWITCH 69,00 € Simple, solid and very useful. Have you ever needed a simple mute switch with no frills? Just hit the footswitch and anything plugged into the input is made 100% silent. Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 3-4 nädalat Tarbepedaalid / lülitid Electro Harmonix 45000 Foot Controller Electro Harmonix FC45000 120,00 € The 45000 Foot Controller allows you to use your 45000 remotely, with your feet! Provides instant access of up to 100 loops per SDHC card. Gives you access to Track Select, Record, Play, Loop Up and Loop Down. Large dual digit display indicates the 45000's current loop number. The Foot Controller obtains all of its power from the 45000 using a standard... Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat Tarbepedaalid / lülitid MXR Tap Tempo Switch MXR M199 69,00 € The MXR Tap Tempo switch features adjustable tip/ring configuration so you can control the delay time of a wide variety of delay pedal types. This pint-sized footswitch is ruggedly built for a lifetime on the road. Lisa ostukorvi