Soodus! −20% Poes saadaval Muud tarvikud Gruv Gear FretWraps MD 3-Pack Gruv Gear FW-3PK-MD 31,20 € 39,00 € Effectively cut overtones and sympathetic resonance during recording, live performance, two-hand tapping, or any creative situation where you need that extra muting hand for cleaner takes without the unwanted string noise or ringing. The adjustable strap lets you fine-tune the pressure and dampening of the strings. Quickly slides over the headstock when... Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Basskitarri keeled Ernie Ball Super Slinky Bass Ernie Ball 2834 26,00 € Nickel Wound Bass sets are wound for a bright, balanced tone. Each bass string is manufactured with the finest and freshest raw materials. Gauges: 045-065 - 080-100 Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Medikad Dunlop Gator Grip Standard Dunlop 417R 0,70 € Gator Grip Picks offer superior playing control and a dark, beefy sound. A matte surface allows for a tight, nonslip grip, and a molded, beveled edge provides for a smooth attack and a soft release so you can play with unimpeded intensity and dexterity. Vaata
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Kompaktsed võimendid Blackstar AmPlug 2 Fly Bass Blackstar 982986 55,00 € amPlug2 FLY headphone amps for guitar and bass are the perfect solution for practice when noise is a restraint, or for when inspiration strikes ON THE FLY… Voiced and designed by Blackstar in the UK, amPlug2 FLY models are battery-powered and have a foldable instrument jack plug for connection to any guitar body type.The super compact design can be... Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Medikad Dunlop Ultex Jazz III Dunlop 427R 1,00 € The Ultex Jazz III combines the durability, sharp attack, and lightweight of Ultex with the coveted pointed tip design and quick release edge of a Jazz III so you can add speed, clarity, and definition to any style of playing. Vaata
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Kompaktsed võimendid Blackstar AmPlug 2 Fly Guitar Blackstar 982985 55,00 € amPlug2 FLY headphone amps for guitar and bass are the perfect solution for practice when noise is a restraint, or for when inspiration strikes ON THE FLY… Voiced and designed by Blackstar in the UK, amPlug2 FLY models are battery-powered and have a foldable instrument jack plug for connection to any guitar body type.The super compact design can be... Lisa ostukorvi
Poes Saadaval Kitarrihäälestajad Fender FT-1 Pro Clip-On Tuner Fender 0239978000 13,00 € Mugav ja selge loetavusega, FT-1 multifunktsionaalne häälestaja tagab, et su instrument püsib hääles isegi pimedal laval. Talub mürarikkaid keskkondi tänu sisse ehitatud vibratsioonisensorile. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Patareid GP CR2032 Liitium Patarei Duracell 353274 1,00 € Kõige levinum patarei enamus kaela külge käivate kitarrihäälestajate jaoks. Pinge: 3VMahtuvus: 220 mAhMõõdud: d=20 mm, h=3,2 mmMuu tähistus: DL2032 ; ECR2032Sobib suurepäraselt kasutamiseks ka erinevates teistes elektroonikaseadmetes: signalisatsioonipuldid, kalkulaatorid, kellad jne. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Medikad Dunlop Tortex Tear Drop Dunlop 413R 0,70 € Tortex Picks are highly durable with great memory and just the right about of flexibility for a snappy, fluid attack that's bright and crisp. Whether you're playing searing electric leads or strumming acoustic passages, the appeal of Tortex as a sonic paintbrush is universal. This is the classic tear drop shape constructed of Tortex material. Vaata
Poes saadaval Kingitused Perri's Leathers Black Guitar Knob Fridge Magnets Perris Leathers GNM-01 10,50 € Black Guitar Knob Fridge Magnets. 4 per pack Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Eksperimentaalsed ja muud efektid Boss 40th Anniversary Box Set Boss BOX40 959,00 € Eriline limiteeritud box-set kolmest esimesest Bossi pedaalist, mis ilmusid müüki 1977. aastal. See unikaalne komplekt sisaldab selle sündmuse tähistamiseks truult taastatud kolme pedaali: OD-1 Over Drive, PH-1 Phaser ja SP-1 Spectrum. Kõik on ehitatud Jaapanis kasutades täpselt samu komponente ja skeeme mis 40 aastat tagasi. Ainult 1500 komplekti... Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Kingitused Perri's Leathers Black Leather Guitar Pick Keychain Perris Leathers PICKKEY-232 5,50 € Black leather guitar pick keychain made to protect and hold guitar picks and keys. Made with 100% genuine leather with a black button snap. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes Saadaval Kingitused JHS Notaklön Overdrive Solderless DIY Kit JHS Pedals JHS NOTAKLOEN 159,00 € Nagu IKEA kapp aga hoopis lõbus kingitus kitarristile!JHS NOTAKLÖN DIY Overdrive Kit, mille kokkupanemiseks ei pea elektrik olema!Isegi jootekolbi pole vaja!Ideaalne üllatus pedaalifännile - kuulsa "Shamrock" modiga (küll ta teab, mis see tähendab) Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Kingitused Fender Pickpocket Pick Socks Perris Leathers FGA302-001-L 15,00 € Never be without your favourite plectrum with Fender® Pick Socks Includes a collectable Fender pick! Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Kingitused Fender Stompsocks The Toe Tap Socks Black Perris Leathers FGA301-001-L 15,00 € Wear the ultimate functional and fun footwear that’s comfort designed for the stage, studio and stompbox. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Kingitused Fender Stompsocks The Toe Tap Socks Perris Leathers FGA301-100-L 15,00 € Wear the ultimate functional and fun footwear that’s comfort designed for the stage, studio and stompbox. Lisa ostukorvi
Poes saadaval Kingitused Perri's Leathers Black Genuine Leather Pick Holder Wallet Perris Leathers LWPL-01 45,00 € Black Genuine Leather Pick Holder Wallet Lisa ostukorvi
Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat Vibe Earthquaker Devices The Depths V2 Earthquaker Devices EQDDEP2 259,00 € Earthquakers take on a classic optical vibe circuit. Creates a lush, phasing pulse which delivers a three-dimensional swirling sound. With its Voice and Throb controls, The Depths can achieve sounds from thin and subtle to warm and deep and everything in between. Lisa ostukorvi