Electro Harmonix 15Watt Howitzer Guitar Amp/Preamp
Electro Harmonix 15Watt Howitzer Guitar Amp/Preamp
Electro Harmonix 15Watt Howitzer Guitar Amp/Preamp
Electro Harmonix 15Watt Howitzer Guitar Amp/Preamp

Electro Harmonix 15Watt Howitzer Guitar Amp/Preamp

Tarneaeg 2-4 nädalat
139,00 €
  • 15W võimsust, kuid piisavalt väike, et mahtuda pedalboardi või seljakotti
  • Täielik kontroll helispektri üle: Volume, Gain, Bass, Mid ja Treble
  • Bright/Norm lüliti: vali kerge kõrgsageduse rõhu või pigem mahedama kõrgsageduse vahel
  • Class D disain eriti ökonoomseks ja kompaktseks kasutamiseks
  • FX loop koos Send/Return pesadega lubavad lisada eelvõimu vahele efektipedaale 
  • Komplektis voolualaldi

  • Üle 35€ tellimustele pakiautomaadi veod tasuta!
  • 14 päeva tagastamisõigus ja 2 aastat garantii
  • Tasuda saab kõikide Baltikumi pangalinkidega, kaardiga, osamaksetena, Apple Pay, Paypal või järelmaksuga!
  • Enne 14.00 sooritatud tellimused jõuavad DPD kulleri või Smartpostiga Teieni järgmisel tööpäeval.

The 15Watt Howitzer guitar amp/preamp is an ultra-compact workhorse that’s perfect as part of a portable guitar rig, or as an emergency backup and gig saver should your main amp break down. It’s super flexible, like a musical chameleon, and depending on the gear you use and your style, will fit in the broadest range of genres.

The 15Watt Howitzer’s Volume and Gain controls let you go as clean or as crunchy as you want while the Bass, Mid and Treble knobs provide plentiful tone shaping. Its FX Loop gives you the option of putting effects like reverb and delay after the preamp. Of course you can still run your guitar straight into pedals and then right into the 15Watt Howitzer’s input jack.

EHX’s Founder, Mike Matthews, said: “Dig it! The sandwich-sized 15Watt Howitzer is perfect as part of a compact guitar rig or backup. But the thing I dig the most, is the tone that emanates from the Howitzer. It’s super versatile and—depending on what kind of setup you’re running—fits into any style that’s your bag!”


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